The Loss Box

judy lee


It is so easy to believe that we are alone in experiencing loss. We might be convinced our lives have gone wrong because there has been so much loss. Sharing our stories with others helps us to realize that this is far from the truth. Loss is part of being alive.

The Loss Box is an imaginary dome lidded chest which tucks neatly under the rib cage, in our solar plexus. In this box are stored all those small losses or endings which inevitably occur in everyone's life. The impact of the death of a loved one, or other trauma, is too significant to ignore and usually we deal with such tragedies. With less dramatic losses, however, we tend to carry on regardless in the mistaken belief that, by doing so, they will go away. What happens instead is that they get shoved into our Loss Box and the lid is slammed firmly shut. Every time we get a new loss, into the now bulging box it goes. This works for a while, but sooner or later those losses start to grumble and eventually they can upset our equilibrium. We can develop an underlying sadness. We can cover this sadness with excessive busy-ness, work, food, alcohol, or whatever we choose, but it will not go away unless we address it.

The Loss Box workshops are based on the need to acknowledge and release our losses. Participants are encouraged to look compassionately at losses in all aspects of their lives and are given suggestions in how to let them go and move on in greater wisdom and with a newfound sense of freedom. 

Please feel free to contact Judy via her email: